Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Textbook Reviews


  1. 0.05
  2. 2.57
  3. 115.55
  4. 10
  5. 1/2
  6.  a) 51.5    b)34
  7. 3.1 litres
  8. $180
  9. 3369.6cm3
  10. 00 25 Wednesday
  11. (2x+4) pencils
  12. (4-d)/7 cm
  13. Area- 54 cm2    Perimeter - 50cm
  14. 2cm
  15. 51.25cm2
  16. 22 20 or 10:20p.m
  17. a) March   b) 20 motorcycles
  18. 8
  19. 57.72
  20. $4
  21. 8700m
  22. a) $1.55   b) $13.91
  23. $200
  24. 14 women
  25. 6: 9: 5
  26. $180
  27. 60 pupils
  28. 19440 cm3
  29. 91 chairs
  30. 276 coins
  31. 4 min
  32. 70km/h
  33. 15 min or 1/4h
  34. 64km/h
  35. 110 degrees
  36. 30 degrees
  37. W
  38. 7.5min
  39. 5h
  40. 30 min
  41. a) $2037.50    b) $950
  42. 288 muffins

  1. 3892
  2. a) 4   b) 5
  3. ai) 32cm   aii) 5m   bi) 8cm   bii) 1.25m
  4. 28 books
  5. 0.039
  6. (4y-7)cm
  7. 3/7
  8. 154cm2
  9. 15 litres
  10. 128 degrees
  11. $5.36
  12. 7cm
  13. 30km/h
  14. 10.15a.m
  15. 1.42m
  16. 768 crates
  17. $91
  18. 60 revolutions
  19. $12n
  20. 135 degrees
  21. 30 members
  22. 200 chinese books
  23. $13.55
  24. 12 girls
  25. a) 2412.7cm2   b) 201.1cm
  26. 157cm2
  27. 20 children
  28. $2175
  29. 1p.m
  30. 5 rounds

1 comment:

  1. Miss Loh,

    For Review H, qns 22b, my answer is $14.98. Is there a problem with the answer?
